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The new TZ5 series line of shafts takes all the best attributes of the past Tour Z models and incorporates the latest high modulus materials to create a smoother “feel” than ever before while maintaining the low launch/low spin characteristics that the Tour Z brand has been known for.

You will notice a slightly smoother mid section and lower balance point to promote “feel” combined with a lower torque than previous Tour Z series models to maintain the low spin that Tour Z shafts are renowned for.

Once again ACCRA has developed an industry leading low launching, low spinning shaft for all levels of golfers utilizing the latest in advanced composite materials to enhance performance and playability.

<div class="launch"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/accragolf/images/Mid+High+Launch+Low+Spin.png"></img></div>” itemprop=”image” onerror=”this.style.display=’none'”>
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The new TZ6 series shaft will be available in 4 different weights (45, 55, 65, & 75) and a matching hybrid shafts (85H) with multiple flex options.

This is a unique design that will appeal to the average golfer in the M3 and M4 flexes as a mid/high launching driver shaft that will control spin and add power with an active tip section.

Where this shaft really shines is as a mid/high launching shaft in M4 and M5 flexes for the accomplished golfer. This is a spin killing machine that features 2.0 torque combined with the explosive tip section. New high modulus composite materials  enable ACCRA to maintain “feel” while introducing extremely low torque. Stability is achieved in the combination of ACCRA’s proprietary design in the butt section for unparalleled strength without effecting “feel” and the addition of a new material technology in the tip section creating an unequaled torsional strength along with a faster recovery speed than any shaft ACCRA has ever produced.

ModelTypeFlexMassBalance Pt.S3 LaunchButt EiMid EiTip EiS3 CPMTorqueButt ODTip ODLengthParallel
TZ5 55DriverM36023.5010.9753826258.003.9.615.335464
TZ5 55DriverM46023.5010.5784430270.004.1.615.335464
TZ5 55DriverM56023.5010.6854733280.004.0.615.335464
TZ5 65DriverM36923.0010.5754029258.003.5.615.335464
TZ5 65DriverM47023.0010.7784630270.003.6.615.335464
TZ5 65DriverM57023.0010.7855133282.003.6.615.335464
TZ5 75DriverM47823.0010.6784530270.003.2.615.335464
TZ5 75DriverM58023.0010.7855233282.003.2.615.335464
TZ5 85DriverM59023.0010.5905633282.003.2.615.335464
TZ5 95HHybridM49521.0011.9724123268.003.0.610.370424
TZ5 95HHybridM49521.0011.9724123268.003.0.610.370424
TZ5 105DIUtility/Driving IronM410521.7511.8774027.5255.002.5.610.370414
TZ5 105DIUtility/Driving IronM510521.7511.6854531270.002.5.610.370414
ModelTypeFlexMassBalance Pt.S3 LaunchButt EiMid EiTip EiS3 CPMTorqueLengthButt ODTip ODParallel
TZ6 45DriverM35023.011.77544182584.046.615.3354
TZ6 45DriverM45223.011.78445202693.946.615.3354
TZ6 55DriverM36223.011.67544202582.746.615.3354
TZ6 55DriverM46223.011.68445212692.746.615.3354
TZ6 55DriverM56223.011.69548222802.646.615.3354
TZ6 65DriverM36624.011.67544202582.646.615.3354
TZ6 65DriverM46923.511.68445212692.446.615.3354
TZ6 65DriverM57223.511.69548232802.446.615.3354
TZ6 75DriverM48023.511.68445212692.146.615.3354
TZ6 75DriverM58023.511.69548232802.146.615.3354
TZ6 85DriverM59024.011.09451282802.146.615.3354
TZ6 85HHybridM38520.512.26738212652.542.610.3704
TZ6 85HHybridM48621.012.27444242802.542.610.3704
TZ6 85HHybridM58821.012.28749292952.542.610.3704
TZ6 95DIUtility/Driving IronM49521.513.410030182552.241.610.3704
TZ6 95DIUtility/Driving IronM59521.513.410037202702.241.610.3704
ModelFlexMassBalance Pt.S3 LaunchButt Ei/6Mid Ei/15Tip Ei/25avg S3 CPMTorqueLength
TZ6 55 CBM360.0025.0011.880.041.018.0255.03.546.0
TZ6 55 CBM460.0025.0011.785.043.020.0265.03.546.0
TZ6 65 CBM465.0025.0011.685.043.020.0265.03.046.0
TZ6 CB65M566.0025.0011.585.043.023.0275.03.046.0
TZ6 CB75M576.0025.0011.490.045.024.0275.02.546.0